Monday, April 18, 2011

Preparing to begin

It's April 2011 ~ I've been rereading my TW site, especially the Nitty-Gritty pages, ideas from Evan & Gabby's blog, plenty of inspiration from Kevin Rose & Marion - reviewing all the info as preparation for ordering the trailer, the lumber, the windows...

Patreace and I attended Jay Shafer's design & construction workshop in Santa Fe early February. It was very helpful: got a big energy input plus some sound design feedback and encouragement; Patreace learned helpful construction info (I could relax with the technical stuff, knowing she was taking it on board). Then I took off for my India retreat, early March to 8th April.

Various friends have offered to help build the TW. Gonna need all the help we can get ~ it's a tiny house but a lot of work involved! We can get started once Patreace has cleared her county permission hurdles on her home workshop & upper apartment. Meanwhile, I have plenty more to research and finalize. But it's beginning to get underway.